Contact the Nominating Committee
The 2025 Nominating Committee members are Beth Jones, Laura Potter, and Laurie Wolf. These individuals are past board members who have volunteered to serve the HAABB in a different role. The current president, Carrie Easley, also serves on the 2025 Nominating Committee. These four individuals have been tasked with preparing a slate of nominees for the 2025-2024 HAABB Board of Directors. They need your recommendations to prepare the slate to fill the following positions:
President Elect
The president-elect shall be elected for a one year term and automatically become president after the current president’s term of office expires. The president shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation and shall carry into effect all directions and resolutions of the board. The president shall preside at all meetings of the corporation at which he/she may be present. The office of president is a one year term. The office of past president shall be filled by the president upon completion of his/her term. The past president shall serve for one year. Thus, the president elect position is a three year commitment.
Vice President
The vice president shall work in corporation with the president and shall perform such duties as the board of directors may assign to him. In the event of the death, absence, incapacity, inability or refusal to act of the president, the vice president shall be vested with all the powers and perform all the duties of the office of president. The vice president may be elected for no more than two consecutive terms of one year each.
At Large Member #2
The at large members of the board of directors shall be elected for two year terms and for no more than two consecutive two-year terms.
Candidate Requirements
Individuals are encouraged to recommend potential Board candidates and/or may recommend himself or herself. An individual who wishes to be considered a candidate or recommend a candidate for the 2024-2025 HAABB Board of Directors should provide the individual's name and contact information to any of the above listed Nominating Committee members. The Nominating Committee will also identify and contact individuals as required to develop a slate of qualified individuals. Candidates should be local to the states of Missouri or Kansas and be active in blood banking and/or transfusion medicine.
Nominee Election
The slate of nominees will be presented to the HAABB members at the Annual Business Meeting. The members
shall vote to accept or reject the slate of nominees for board of directors as put forth by the nominating committee.