The Heart of America Association of Blood Banks is a nonprofit, professional organization dedicated to improving Transfusion Medicine by fostering the exchange of information and bringing education opportunities to blood bank and transfusion medicine professionals.  The HAABB hosts two annual meetings for the Kansas City & St Louis areas. 









HAABB Karen Thompson Blood Bank
Karen Thompson Emeritus 2005
HAABB Blood Bank Conference Mary Kowalski
Mary Kowalski Emeritus 2005
HAABB Missouri Steve Pierce
Steve Pierce Emeritus 2009

In April of 2005, the Board voted to amend the bylaws to include a group of members called Emeritus Members.  The definition is as follows:


Emeritus Member:  By a vote of the membership, a member may be granted emeritus status in the organization.  Nomination to emeritus member status will be made by the board of directors for a member who has served the organization in an exemplary fashion, including service on the executive board and active participation in the field of blood banking or transfusion medicine.  Emeritus status will entitle the member to all privileges of a board member. 


Two members were nominated to become the first Emeritus members of the HAABB at the annual meeting in Kansas City, June 10th, 2005.  Nominated were Mary Kowalski and Karen Thompson who both have served on the board numerous times as well as speaking at many of the meetings.  Each one was presented with a plaque designating their status as an Emeritus Member.  We extend grateful congratulations to both of them.   

A third Emeritus Member was nominated and approved at the 42nd Annual Spring Meeting of the HAABB on May 15th, 2009.  Steve Pierce was selected and approved at this meeting in appreciation of his dedication and continued contribution to the field of blood banking.  He has been an active member of the board in the past and continues to educate current members with his presentations at the HAABB meetings.

A fourth Emeritus Member was nominated and approved at the 47th Annual Spring Meeting of the HAABB on April 29th, 2014.  Vicki Kuse (Schwickerath) was selected and approved at this meeting in appreciation of her many years of dedicated service on the HAABB board and for the blood bank community.